Thursday, February 28, 2008



Subject: CVAIA solution to Utah residents in debt

Dear Mr. Herald,

My name is Jessica Collett and I recently sent you a press release regarding the Cache Valley Area Investor's Association. I understand Utah has been in the top three states for bankruptcy. Now would be a great time to write a story because tax month is coming up and residents will be interested to know how to make more money.

There is a free seminar every other Thursday, starting March 6, at 7 p.m. at 160 N. Main St. Logan Utah, 84321. Preston Parker, president of CVAIA has a lot of experience in various areas and is willing to share his knowledge to others so they can be financially independent and choose and lifestyle and career they love.

I would be happy to arrange a meeting for Parker or myself, and you are always welcome at the free seminar. If you would like any further information, I am available Tuesday through Friday from 10-6 p.m. and all day Saturday via e-mail or phone.

Thank you!

Jessica Collett, Public Relations Representative

1 comment:

Preston said...

Put the person's contact information at the top, like a business letter.

I like how you tied into the press release you had previously sent.

The first paragraph serves as a hook, but it's a little long. It might be better to go into your lead information quicker.

When a state is written with a zip code it is abbreviated according to AP Style.

When a title follows a person's name, it is offset on both sides with commas.

Offering to meet at a certain time is good.

The email at the end is spelled wrong.

You need to be more specific about what the association is, why the person you are pitching to would be interested, and how the story will interest the target population. Being specific in these connections will make your story more likely to be published.